
The company is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct and/or indirect, arising from the sale of goods and services offered in the catalog published on the company’s website, nor to delay and/or non-delivery of the product, nor for the correspondence of the goods with the specifications published on this site nor for any other reasons not directly attributable to the company.

Technical Information

The technical information in the company’s website is taken from the information published by the manufactures producing the goods included in our catalogue. The company, therefore, reserves the right to change/adapt the technical and dimensional information of the products in the catalogue based on what is reported by manufacturers without any prior notice.

Product Availability

Since the access and the ability to submit orders online change in real time the availability of the products included in the catalog published on the site, the Company does not guarantee the certainty of allocation of the ordered goods.

Risk and Property

The goods are delivered carriage paid, insured and charged on the invoice; in the event that the goods were shipped to port, on the recommendation of the customer, the risk is considered to be borne by the customer from the delivery of the goods to the carrier from the warehouses. Upon delivery of the goods, the customer shall verify the integrity of the packages and the correspondence quantitative and qualitative sense described in the accompanying document (DDT). In the case of any discrepancies, the same should be reported and confirmed within seven days via fax or registered letter sent to the company to commercial reference. Despite of the packaging intact, the goods must be checked within seven days of receipt. Any hidden defects must be reported in writing by fax or registered mail sent to Company. Every report received after the above deadlines will not be taken into account. For each statement, the customer assumes full responsibility of what declared.


Orders are accepted only and exclusively in writing, or by fax, or via the Internet (online). The customer who places on order over the Internet will receive, upon completion of the purchase process, a confirmation notice via electronic mail (e-mail), with an indication of the number. Assuming that after sending the order, does not appear (a few minutes later) the order number, the proposal shall be deemed as not accepted, for all legal purposes although for accounting, administrative or lack of product.


All prices shown on the website shall be construed prices include VAT. Prices subject to change at any time without notice.

Technical Expertise

Should the client request a technical expertise, in the event that objective responsibility is not found and therefore the guarantee is not recognised to the client, PrimeTurbo will charge a flat rate of 150.00 euros (VAT and transport excluded) for the expertise carried out. This will be reversed if the client decides to proceed with the restoration of the turbo.

Wrong orders and credit notes

credit notes issued for incorrect ordering, technnical problems on the material, guarantees and any eventual are understood to be recignized in material to be made in subsequent orders ( unless special agreements stipulated in the previous phase).


All spare parts purchased by you have a 1year warranty from the date of sale and are manufactured according to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 automotive standards. 

The company does not recognize any charge for labor costs and/or working hours for the installation and/or replacement of the products supplied, even in the case of replacement under warranty.
